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Assessment – Programs & Services

Special Programs

1) Act 319, The Clean and Green Preferential Assessment for Farmland and Forest land.
Applications must be made prior to June 1st of any year to qualify for the following years’ benefits under the program. Beginning January 1st, 1999, a fifty ($50.00) dollar application fee will be required. Once the application has been made and determined to be qualified no further application will be necessary unless there is a change in ownership or conditions of the property being preferentially assessed under The Act.
2) The Homestead and Farmstead Exclusion.
Applications are sent out in December of each year to property owners not currently enrolled in the Homestead/Farmstead Program. The application period ends the following March 1st.
Homeowners that are currently enrolled do not need to re-apply for the program.

The Program is designed to reduce the burden of some of the school tax obligations placed on primary homeowners.
Should you have any questions pertaining to your qualification or if you are currently enrolled call the Wyoming County Assessment Office (570-996-2262).
Services And Information Available From This Office:

Real Estate and Per Capita information in various forms including copies of maps, property record cards, valuation information, property ownership information, printouts of information including mailing labels and computerized downloads of real estate and per capita information. All printouts and computer downloads are available at a nominal cost. We encourage residents and property owners to visit our office to review their assessment information to insure the accuracy and uniformity of our information. 

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