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Elections – Where To Vote

Not sure where to vote? Use this online tool from the state to find it!

Find Your Polling Location

Here’s a PDF document download of all Wyoming County Polling locations.

Download PDF Wyoming County Polling Locations

This office is responsible for managing the execution of Federal, State, County and local elections and County voter registration, according to the Pennsylvania Election Code.

This involves holding elections, all petition, campaign finance filings, etc. for all candidates, preparing and printing of ballots, furnishing election equipment and supplies, conducting voting, canvassing election returns, maintaining custody of voted ballots and other election records and filing instruments. 

We also answer questions regarding election returns, election procedures and legislation for elected/appointed officials, election judges, candidates, the news media and the general public. 

This office also maintains accountability as the Registrar of Voters for Wyoming County, again according to the laws of the State of Pennsylvania.

We work hand in hand with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and other State Agencies to follow the “Motor Voter Law” in updating addresses and getting people in their proper voting districts.

Click Here for Election Results – Voter Information
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