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Inmate Information – Phone

1. Cellblock telephones are set up on an Inmate phone system called SecurusTech. [phone number 1- 800-844-6591, internet address:]. Incoming calls are blocked. It is the Inmate’s responsibility
to notify family members and/or friends to contact SecurusTech in order to set up an account. Inmates will not be permitted to contact this service corporation in an effort to set up an account on their own behalf.
2. Upon admission new commitments will be given an “Inmate Telephone Number Request Form”. This form needs to be filled out accurately and completely to have telephone numbers added to your call list. Up to ten (10)
numbers may be added.
3. Inmates are expected to govern telephone usage time among themselves.
4. General population Inmates may use the phone system from 10:00 A.M.-2:25P.M., 4:15 P.M.-10:25P.M. When a Facility/cell block lockdown is announced, Inmates are expected to end their phone conversation immediately. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
5. Use of telephones is a privilege. Abuse of this privilege may result in disciplinary action and/or less of these privileges.
6. Staff members of this Facility are not permitted to relay any telephone messages from outside parties to Inmates unless it is of an emergency nature or is a first-time call in connection with a new commitment. Emergency calls are subject to confirmation.
​7. Inmates are allowed to use Facility phones ONLY if pre-approved by the Administration.
8. Telephone calls to outside agencies/departments, etc., are not permitted.

a. These calls include, but are not limited to:
1. Wyoming County Adult Probation Department
2. Wyoming County Domestic Relations Department
3. Local Magistrates
4. State, Federal, or other County Courthouses/Departments/Agencies.
5. Attorneys that are representing an Inmate for pending charges in another jurisdiction.

b. Correspondence with the above mentioned outside agencies/departments, etc. is to be conducted through written letters.

Telephone calls may be approved only if verified through that party.

Support Options Contact Info:

Phone 800-844-6591
Phone – Spanish 866-561-6718
Fax 800-578-2627
Web Access & Chat Link

Mail Payments
P.O. Box 650757
Dallas, TX 75265-0757

Mail Correspondences
P.O. Box 1109
Addison, TX 75001
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