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911 Address Displays

Responsibility for Display of Address Numbers

It shall be the responsibility of each and every property owner, trustee, lessee, agent, and occupant of each residence, apartment building, business, or industry to purchase, post, and maintain address numbers as required under this policy at all times.

It shall be the responsibility of each municipality to purchase, post, and maintain address numbers assigned to bridges as required under this policy at all times.

It shall be the duty of the above mentioned, upon affixing a new address number, to remove any conflicting number.

It shall be unlawful to cover any address number with any sign, drapery, or other obstruction tending to conceal such number.

Residences, Townhouses and “In-Town” Businesses
It shall be the duty of each and every property owner, trustee, lessee, agent and occupant of each residence, apartment building or “In Town” business to display the assigned address number according to the guidelines set forth herein.  The address number shall be made up of numbers and/or letters which are not less than four inches in height, contrasting in color with the background on which they are affixed, as near to the front entrance as possible and practical, so that the number is legible from the sidewalk (if any), the street and the opposite side of the street day or night.
Long Driveways
If any residence, apartment building or business (except malls or shopping centers) is located so that the address number is not clearly visible from the street and has an access drive less than 1,000 feet in length, an additional address number shall be posted at the intersection of the driveway with the public street.  The additional address number shall be made up of numbers and/or letters which are not less than four inches in height, contrasting in color with the background on which they are affixed, visible day or night, and placed upon a post or other structure which displays the number at least forty-eight inches above the ground. The property owner is responsible for the installation of these additional sets of address identifiers.
Industrial and Commercial Structures in Low Density Areas
All industrial and commercial structures located in low density development areas, (areas in which small residential style address numbers are not visible from the road), shall display address numbers of not less than ten inches in height.  The number shall contrast in color with the background on which it is affixed and shall be visible day or night, from the street.  When possible, the number shall be displayed beside or over the main entrance of the structure.
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