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Juvenile Probation

44th Judicial District

Our Mission is “To provide for children committing delinquent acts, programs of supervision, care and rehabilitation which shall provide attention to the protection of the community, the imposition of accountability for offenses committed and the development of competencies to assist children in becoming responsible and productive members of society.”

Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) Principles
Community Protection

The residents of Wyoming County have a right to a safe and secure community.  Therefore, when determining a disposition concerning a juvenile offender, a conscious effort is made to protect the community’s interest.
Whenever a child commits an offense against a person or property, the child incurs an obligation to the victim of that offense.  Consequently, juvenile offenders will be held accountable for their actions by compensating the victim(s) for their loss.
Competency Development
Juvenile offenders who appear before the Wyoming County Juvenile Court should ultimately leave the system more capable of being responsible and productive members of their community.
As appropriate to the individual circumstances of each case, Wyoming County’s Juvenile Justice system will provide balanced attention to assure that each of the proceeding elements is addressed.

Juvenile Probation Officers ​

Krystle Kowalczyk
Director of Probation,44th Judicial District 

Daralyn M. Carr
Deputy Director 

Kevin Chichura
Mental Health Intensive Probation Officer & Community Liaison Officer

Victims Advocates

Daralyn M. Carr
Victim/Witness Coordinator

Tammy Goodwin
Victim/Witness Coordinator

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