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911 – How To Use

When to call 9-1-1

Call 9-1-1 to report a fire, medical, or Police emergency
What information is needed
The Dispatcher will ask you for the following information…
The location of the emergency, I.E. Road name, municipality, and landmarks.
The phone number that you are calling from.Your name.
What is the emergency, exactly what happened.

After This, the dispatcher will ask you a series of questions to determine the appropriate response

What Happens Next
The dispatcher will either release the call or mute the line while they dispatch the call.
if they keep you on the line the dispatcher will come back on the line and give you a series of instructions of what to do.

In immediate life-threatening emergencies, the dispatcher will give instructions to the caller to assist the patient I.E. CPR, Control Bleeding, or Child Birth.

What to do if you dial 911 accidentally
Please do not hang up the phone.
The dispatcher will come on the line and verify your location, the number you are calling from, your name and name the phone is in, and that there is no emergency.

To report a Controlled Burn or Non-Emergency Inquiry call: (570) 836-6161

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