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Subdivision and Land Development

Wyoming County does have a Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
It was adopted on March 22, 2016. Any application filed in the Community Planning Office prior to March 22, 2016 follows the previous ordinance until completion. 

The subdivision and land development process may include planning, acquisition of government permits, subdivision, construction of access roads, installation of utilities, landscaping and drainage.

Five municipalities have adopted their own Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances.
They include: Clinton Township, Factoryville Borough, Falls Township, Overfield Township and Washington Township. To obtain a copy of one of their Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances, you will need to contact that particular municipality. 

Wyoming County Office of Community Planning
Subdivision/Land Development Checklist

Before submitting plans for review, the following items must be completed. Failure to do so will delay the review process.

  Complete the subdivision/land development application form. All property owners, as deeded, must sign the application.

  The application shall include the owner’s name as well as the name of the proposed subdivision/land development.

  The following information, at a minimum, must be shown on the plans:

  1. Six copies of the plans must be submitted. Plans shall not be at a scale greater than 100 feet to the inch. The size of the plan shall not be less than 8.5”x11” and not larger than 24”x36”.
  2. The plans shall include a tract map showing all contiguously owned properties of the subdivider/developer.
  3. The lot (s) to be subdivided/developed must be surveyed by a registered surveyor and a seal must appear on the plans.
  4. The plans shall show all lots (sequentially numbered), indicate lot sizes, and include all previously approved subdivisions since 1972.
  5. The plans must show all adjoining landowners, a North arrow, scale, location map, legend, and date.
  6. On major subdivisions involving the construction of new roads, roadway maintenance must be addressed if it is not proposed for public dedication.
  7. The plans must show contours at required intervals. Refer to the Wyoming County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. (
  8. The plans may require soil mapping and maybe transposed from the Soil Survey of Lackawanna and Wyoming Counties, Pennsylvania. Soils may also be downloaded from PASDA.
  9. The plans shall show all rights of Way, easements (including utility easements), setbacks, and any unique natural or man-made features such as bodies of water, wells, septic systems, abandoned mines, etc.

Where applicable, all plans shall address the need for a Highway Occupancy Permit.

Plans shall be accompanied by the applicable DEP Planning Module which shall include all soil testing data. All modules and data are to be completed by the municipal Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) where applicable. Plans must show the location of all passed and failed deep profiles and percs. The plans and sewage planning data will be numbered to correspond.

The proper fees must be submitted with the application. Checks must be made out to the “Wyoming County Treasurer”.

Note: We recommend referring to the Wyoming County SALDO (Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance) for all required information and supporting documents regarding your specific submission.

Recording Note: There is a separate fee for recording. Please call the Recorder of Deed’s Office at 570-996-2235 for the filing fee amount. The recording check must be made out to the “Recorder of Deeds.” 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the  Wyoming County Office of Community Planning.

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