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Emergency Management Agency


Emergency Management Agency works to mitigate, plan, and prepare for all natural & man-made emergencies; educate the public about preparedness; coordinate emergency response and recovery efforts; and develop tools and identify resources to support the overall preparedness of Wyoming County.

The Agency has numerous programs and initiatives, each described below.


Emergency Management Agency provides disaster preparedness education programs to community groups, schools, businesses, and municipalities to promote community resilience. Additionally, the Agency maintains and promotes Code Red.  Wyoming County’s public emergency notification system. (CODE RED)


Emergency Management Agency serves as the lead for the development and maintenance of the Wyoming County Emergency Operations Plan and other supporting emergency plans, including the Talen Generating Station Radiological Emergency Response Plan in Berwick PA. In addition, the Agency provides assistance to municipalities, critical infrastructure organizations, and partner agencies in designing and updating preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery plans.


Emergency Management Agency ensures chemical facility compliance with SARA Title III and Pennsylvania Act 165 in both chemical quantity reporting and facility emergency planning. The Agency also administers the Wyoming County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC).


Emergency Management Agency maintains and coordinates the distribution of resources for preplanned or emergency deployment. The County EOC Logistics section is the immediate place to request support for an unmet need within a local jurisdiction.


Emergency Management Agency maintains equipment and staffs the Wyoming County Emergency Operations Center. Additionally, the Agency provides personnel for field response for: Disaster Recovery, Hazardous Material Incidents & spills, Accidents, Fires, Incident & Command Support.


Emergency Management Agency coordinates damage assessment after disasters and collects information to initiate the recovery process. The Agency coordinates with local, state, and VOAD partners to return communities to normalcy.


Emergency Management Agency designs, develops, and implements a variety of training and exercise programs to test the capabilities of emergency responders and Municipalities Officials in Wyoming County. The Agency also works closely with the response community to schedule and implement the training required for all levels of emergency management certification.

EMA Message

The importance of an emergency management program only becomes apparent during time of a disaster or emergency, that is why we work the local: Emergency Services, Municipal Officials, Businesses, (NGO) None Governmental Offices, School Districts, and other organizations, to establish their own local emergency management program with a plan that will assist them when a natural or man-made disaster does strike. This program, at the county and local level, is the insurance that will protect the citizens and reduce the liability for hazards that may affect them and return to normal or a close to normal as possible. This will also minimize disruption in their day to day operations which reduces cost.

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