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Prothonotary – Forms

INFOCON County Access System

Infocon County Access Help: (814) 472-6066 Option 1



Forms available on this website should not be considered legal advice, and are provided only for reference purposes.  These forms are provided only as a guide in developing a form for a particular case and set of facts.  The content and format of forms not specifically determined by a Pennsylvania statute or court rule may require modifications to suit the specifics of a given case. 

The publication of these forms is in no way a representation that they are either appropriate for use in a particular case or situation or that they are adequate for use without modification or elaboration. 

For legal advice and to ensure the proper use of this material, you should contact a lawyer.

Forms cannot be submitted electronically.  Filings cannot and will not be accepted that are printed double sided. 

Forms may also be available on the Unified Judicial System at

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